Ilkka Särkiö
Running for Espoo city council and West-uusimaa regional council
I believe in empathy - the woes and challenges of people around belong to us all. I advocate a sustainable, equal and vibrant Espoo.
MSc. (tech) in systems analysis, artificial intelligence consultant from Kauklahti, Espoo.
Viable and Vibrant ESpoo, today and in the future
Sustainable and nature loving Espoo
Espoo city has to develop around a backbone of public transportation, saving nature. Let’s support the electrification of car traffic and lower public transit fare prices. I want to ensure the food served by Espoo city services is ethically and ecologically produced.
Espoo iS for everyone
We need to ensure sufficient resources to support educational and day care services for the growing population. Higher targets for new housing development are needed to keep the cost of living reasonable and enough homes available. The voice of non-finnish speakers of Espoo needs to be heard louder and keep Espoo attractive to newcomers.
VIbrant and viable espoo
More diverse businesses need to be attracted to Espoo - especially in the areas of culture, sports, and leisure. The city needs to negotiate its interests more ambitiously in national funding programs, due to the unique demographic and developmental situation we have.
Advocating for a sustainable, equal and vibrant ESpoo
My mother gave me an example of just get cracking, and have stuff done. I easily take an interest in what goes on around me, figure things out, and stick to my values - that is why I also want to pitch into city policy.
I became an true espoolainen during my studies in Otaniemi. My resume includes MSc. (tech) in systems analysis, data scientist, product manager and AI transformation consultant. I believe decisions should be based in data, and driven by values.